College Match & Self-Discovery

By reading this book you will invest in and advance your personal well-being, cultivate happiness, grow in self-awareness, emotional intelligence, and lay a strong foundation to develop academically and professionally to achieve long-term success. In life you can have more if you refuse to settle for less. However most people do not know what they want (as they lack self-awareness and have not yet fully arrived at a place of self-discovery). Get clear on who you are, what makes you happy, and what institution(s) of higher learning offer(s) the best program(s) and support(s) to assist you in your journey. Would you rather be a big fish in a small pond, or small fish in an ocean overflowing with endless opportunities and a flurry of activities? Get clear on your identity, values, desires, ambitions, purposes, places you want to live, people you want to associate with, and careers you want to pursue. This illuminating personal inventory assessment will awaken students and adults alike to be more self-aware, plan their future more strategically, and live purposefully. Before seeking to ascertain the right college to attend, students need to be more aware of who they are. Only then can students make wise decisions regarding their ideal college match, grow personally and prepare themselves for fulfilling lives relationally and professionally. Choosing a college or university to attend, study and prepare for your chosen field and academic major, be mentored by professors and executives in relationship with the college/university, along with develop social and future professional relationships is an important decision that will affect a student’s lifelong direction. Be empowered to make wise and strategic decisions to be your very best and live your dreams. Paul F. Davis is a College and Career Counselor who has worked at Texas A&M International University and for the American China Exchange Society. Paul has earned 4 Master degrees with the highest honors from the University of Texas (Educational Leadership), New York University (Global Affairs), Michigan State College of Law (Global Food Law), the University of Alabama (Health). Paul completed his training in College Counseling with the University of California at Los Angeles. Paul is a Worldwide Motivational Speaker who has touched 76 nations speaking for the U.S. Military, Companies, Cruise Lines at Sea, Colleges and Universities throughout the globe.

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