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  • Advanced Placement Classes

    Students should listen to their instincts and not bite off more than they can chew, but rather ease into challenging coursework (such as AP and IB classes). If I were to return to high school (knowing what I know now about myself, academic preferences and capabilities); I still would only take advanced placement classes in a few subjects in which I am deeply passionate at most. Too much pressure academically and emotionally removes the joy of learning resulting in low performing students without vision or passion. School should not be a torture chamber and painful experience. On the contrary, there needs to be time for independent study and cultivating creativity. Only then can students discover their gifts, mature and become high achievers. Unfortunately, much of the present American educational system has confined and crippled students merely making them to be conformists teachers can easily manage within the classroom.


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  • Appreciative Inquiry

    Appreciative inquiry facilitates conflict resolution, team building, organization development, visionary leadership, collaboration and innovation to accelerate peak performance. The process of appreciative inquiry is both prophetic and divine. Learn how to slow down, look, listen, feel and better connect with others to awaken their brilliance and genius. The beauty of appreciative inquiry is it opens pathways for new discoveries, unlocks the dreams of an individual buried deep within the human spirit, and imparts the divine spirit of faith to believe and strategically pursue and design a road map to dream fulfillment. Learn how to propel rapid expansion and exponential increase in people’s lives individually, collectively within an organization, geographically within a region and nation. Awaken to prophetic insight, divine revelation and supernatural declarations that inspire innovation, breakthroughs and accelerate accomplishments. Paul F. Davis is a Worldwide Motivational Speaker, Wellness Trainer, Author of 30+ Books and Life Coach who has touched 76 nations speaking for the U.S. Military, Companies, Cruise Lines at Sea, Colleges and Universities throughout the globe. Paul has earned 4 Master degrees with honors and completed College and Career Counseling training at UCLA.


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  • Charter Schools

    The educational foundations of American society are eroding as charter schools enter the business of education and are given exemptions that permit mediocrity without standards. The economy and academics of the United States are collapsing like national infrastructure and bridges across the homeland. While I favor as a Christian the freedom of school choice and faith based education, I oppose charter schools that merely operate for profit and prey on unsuspecting ethnic minorities. Christians (and other faith based groups) need schools they can send their children to in order for the many perverse alternative lifestyles being accepted and taught in public schools to not corrupt their children. Yet there are areas of corruption in charter schools operating for profit covertly, while receiving government funding and claiming to be nonprofit, that have yet to be identified and regulated in the legal arena. Moreover the achievement gap identifies disparities in academic performance among races and gender. However traditional measures of “achievement” do not offer a full picture of students’ performance and potential. This is especially true for culturally diverse students. An over reliance on testing outcomes and a narrow definition of “intelligence” has contributed to school inequality. Thus the reform strategy called for and outlined herein will transcend traditional assessment and improve charter schools.

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  • College Admissions Secrets & Interview Strategies

    This resource is for students who want to learn how to improve their chances of being accepted into the college or university of their choice. Like dating and courtship prior to matrimony, colleges and universities are looking for students genuinely interested and committed to studying on their campuses. Learn how to cultivate meaningful relationships with college admissions officials, professors, department heads, and students on campus to separate yourself from other students haphazardly and halfheartedly applying to colleges and universities for admission. Learn proven success strategies to express interest in the college or university you desire to attend and how to interview effectively to distinguish yourself head and shoulders above other students. 30 interview questions and responses to help you thoroughly prepare for interviewing with college admissions officers. Suggestions what not to do and guidance how to communicate effectively during the interview to impress college admissions officers and get accepted to the college or university of your choice.


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  • College and Career Counseling

    As the father of a 4 year old daughter, college counselor and an educator, it is wonderful and beautiful to see children excited about learning and discovering new things. Simultaneously, it is saddening and disappointing to see high-school students become weary, restless and disengaged in the learning process as they age and mature. The question we must ask ourselves is WHY and WHAT caused these bright young minds to become disillusioned with the joy of learning and discovery? Knowing how the flawed educational system works, schools are run, and teachers approach instruction when delivering their subject matter in the classroom; my synopsis is students get tired of frigid, rigid learning scenarios that quench and stifle their creativity, reduce learning to mere memorization, and do not allow personal expression of their own insights and perspective. Moreover much of what students learn is not made relevant to the world in which they live, meaning that they learn history and things from the past, with no connection to or vision for the future. Understandably, students can lose interest and become frustrated with the learning process. In such a scenario and situation, students often feel like beasts of burden simply trying to please their parents and earn high marks in school, but do not enjoy the learning process itself. We therefore must endeavor to increase students’ level of engagement, enjoyment and love of learning. Paul F. Davis is a College and Career Counselor who has worked at Texas A&M International University and for the American China Exchange Society. Paul has earned 4 Master degrees with the highest honors from the University of Texas (Educational Leadership), New York University (Global Affairs), Michigan State College of Law (Global Food Law), the University of Alabama (Health). Paul completed his training in College Counseling with the University of California at Los Angeles. Paul is a Worldwide Motivational Speaker who has touched 76 nations speaking for the U.S. Military, Companies, Cruise Lines at Sea, Colleges and Universities throughout the globe.


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  • College Match & Self-Discovery

    By reading this book you will invest in and advance your personal well-being, cultivate happiness, grow in self-awareness, emotional intelligence, and lay a strong foundation to develop academically and professionally to achieve long-term success. In life you can have more if you refuse to settle for less. However most people do not know what they want (as they lack self-awareness and have not yet fully arrived at a place of self-discovery). Get clear on who you are, what makes you happy, and what institution(s) of higher learning offer(s) the best program(s) and support(s) to assist you in your journey. Would you rather be a big fish in a small pond, or small fish in an ocean overflowing with endless opportunities and a flurry of activities? Get clear on your identity, values, desires, ambitions, purposes, places you want to live, people you want to associate with, and careers you want to pursue. This illuminating personal inventory assessment will awaken students and adults alike to be more self-aware, plan their future more strategically, and live purposefully. Before seeking to ascertain the right college to attend, students need to be more aware of who they are. Only then can students make wise decisions regarding their ideal college match, grow personally and prepare themselves for fulfilling lives relationally and professionally. Choosing a college or university to attend, study and prepare for your chosen field and academic major, be mentored by professors and executives in relationship with the college/university, along with develop social and future professional relationships is an important decision that will affect a student’s lifelong direction. Be empowered to make wise and strategic decisions to be your very best and live your dreams. Paul F. Davis is a College and Career Counselor who has worked at Texas A&M International University and for the American China Exchange Society. Paul has earned 4 Master degrees with the highest honors from the University of Texas (Educational Leadership), New York University (Global Affairs), Michigan State College of Law (Global Food Law), the University of Alabama (Health). Paul completed his training in College Counseling with the University of California at Los Angeles. Paul is a Worldwide Motivational Speaker who has touched 76 nations speaking for the U.S. Military, Companies, Cruise Lines at Sea, Colleges and Universities throughout the globe.

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  • College Student Services for Students with Disabilities

    Paul F. Davis is a successful College and Career Counselor equipping and empowering global scholars. Paul completed his training in College Counseling with UCLA, earned 4 Master degrees with honors, authored 30 books, and has touched 76 nations as a Worldwide Motivational Speaker speaking for the U.S. Military, Companies, Cruise Lines at Sea, Colleges and Universities throughout the globe.


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  • Educational Leadership & School Instructional Improvement

    Learn the foundational values, beliefs, and principles that uphold and guide effective educational leaders and their schools. Cultivate and sustain a positive culture within your academic community that effectively articulates your vision and purpose for academic instruction, curriculum, assessment, and achievement. Align and direct staff and teachers to collaborate to accomplish annual objectives. Plan and provide meaningful professional development to improve instructional strategies and increase student achievement. Assist teachers to clarify school and classroom instructional goals, develop a variety of instructional strategies, mix and match instructional strategies to learning goals and students, and assess the effects of instruction for the purpose of continuous improvement. 30 interview questions and responses to help you thoroughly prepare for interviewing with college admissions officers. Suggestions what not to do and guidance how to communicate effectively during the interview to impress college admissions officers and get accepted to the college or university of your choice.

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  • International Student Engagement

    Congratulations on making the commitment to study abroad and applying for admissions to some of the world’s great colleges and universities. Experiencing success and happiness as a student on campus requires you to make an effort to get connected, understand and be tolerant of cultural differences, identify leaders and their respective roles, and become knowledgeable with the different departments at your college or university. In this book I will assist you to excel academically, be well personally, have fun socially, and thrive professionally.


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  • LGBT Friendly Universities

    Paul F. Davis is an advocate of human rights. Paul believes individuals are loved unconditionally by God the Creator and should be given the freedom to pursue happiness on their terms without coercion. When Paul was asked to complete an assignment for a college counseling class at the University of California at Los Angeles related to what American universities offer lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) students; he chose to conduct research on Stanford University and the University of California at Berkeley. Being a champion of freedom and godly love for human beings regardless of their sexual orientation; recognizing all of us were created in God’s image (Genesis 1:26-27); Paul shares the results of his research on LGBT resources and activities available on campus at Stanford University and the University of California at Berkeley.


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  • Life Coaching and Career Development

    Jung’s typology is a useful tool for self-examination and interpersonal orientation, which can be used to help individuals understand themselves, grow in self-awareness, navigate interpersonal challenges with others, heal inner and ancestral wounds, and reconcile relationships between people. Although Jung’s personality types can be seen possibly as an oversimplification and categorization labeling people based on how they function (and see themselves at a given point in time when taking a test such as Meyers Briggs); there undoubtedly are insights to be learned and merit in Jung’s approach to understanding humanity. As a student of theology, Paul F. Davis sees human beings as triune: having bodies, minds and spirits. Jung was the son of a Swiss Pastor and his grandfather a clergyman. Therefore Jung understood the spirituality of humanity and the wars within the human soul in search for identity, purpose and meaning. As a Life Coach and Career Counselor, Paul applies Jung’s insights and therapeutic approaches to help humanity (listening to and collaborating with clients first and foremost to unravel the pains of their past and co-create a compelling future). Paul F. Davis is a successful College and Career Counselor equipping and empowering global scholars. Paul completed his training in College Counseling with UCLA, earned 4 Master degrees with honors, authored 30 books, and has touched 76 nations as a Worldwide Motivational Speaker speaking for the U.S. Military, Companies, Cruise Lines at Sea, Colleges and Universities throughout the globe.


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  • New Teacher Success & Survival Secrets

    Paul F. Davis is a successful College and Career Counselor equipping and empowering global scholars. Paul completed his training in College Counseling with UCLA, earned 4 Master degrees with honors, authored 30 books, and has touched 76 nations as a Worldwide Motivational Speaker speaking for the U.S. Military, Companies, Cruise Lines at Sea, Colleges and Universities throughout the globe.


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  • Theater and Arts College Students

    Pleasing parents and living your dreams can often be incompatible, if the two do not agree. Yet financing college education without the help of parents can also be tricky business and open a whole new world of challenges. College Counselor Paul F. Davis advises students throughout the world eager to study theater and arts, but being told by parents they must study some other subject or go without receiving their financial help. Paul provides students wise counsel to think through all of their options, structure higher education in a way to appeal to and persuade parents, and possibly go their own way alone by financing their education singlehandedly with governmental assistance (grants and scholarships).


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  • Undocumented Students

    Finally, undocumented students can find the help they need to navigate the nuances of American college admissions, immigration, employment and pave the way to future citizenship. Academically gifted students with a dream to pursue a higher education and advance their career can rejoice in the fact that many colleges and universities around the world (and in the United States) will be delighted to welcome them to study at their campuses.


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