Charter Schools

The educational foundations of American society are eroding as charter schools enter the business of education and are given exemptions that permit mediocrity without standards. The economy and academics of the United States are collapsing like national infrastructure and bridges across the homeland. While I favor as a Christian the freedom of school choice and faith based education, I oppose charter schools that merely operate for profit and prey on unsuspecting ethnic minorities. Christians (and other faith based groups) need schools they can send their children to in order for the many perverse alternative lifestyles being accepted and taught in public schools to not corrupt their children. Yet there are areas of corruption in charter schools operating for profit covertly, while receiving government funding and claiming to be nonprofit, that have yet to be identified and regulated in the legal arena. Moreover the achievement gap identifies disparities in academic performance among races and gender. However traditional measures of “achievement” do not offer a full picture of students’ performance and potential. This is especially true for culturally diverse students. An over reliance on testing outcomes and a narrow definition of “intelligence” has contributed to school inequality. Thus the reform strategy called for and outlined herein will transcend traditional assessment and improve charter schools.

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