Interview Preparation

Interview Preparation

The interview is the last – and most important – step of the hiring process. It offers both you and the employer the opportunity to meet, exchange information, and come to tentative conclusions about “hiring” one another. The interview is a two-way process. You evaluate universities or employers while they evaluate you.
Be equipped to explain how your skills, interests, and experiences make you well qualified for the academic institution or organization’s position. Be empowered to ask insightful and illuminating questions to distinguish yourself, make a positive impression and connect with the interviewer.

Types of Interview Questions

Interviews often consist of a combination of types of questions. Be prepared and ready for all of the above. There are three basic types of interview questions:

Traditional : Designed to help universities and employers get a feel for who you are and what makes you unique. Universities and employers will listen to your responses for statements that reflect their goals, values, and needs.

Behavioral : Designed to discover how you have handled situations in the past to enable university admission officers and employers to ascertain your values, priorities, behavior, ethics and analytical process.

Situational Cases : Designed to test your ability to think analytically under stress with incomplete information, discern situations accurately and make wise decisions. Your responses to these hypothetical questions reveal your likely future actions when serving in a role of responsibility.


Being prepared for an interview will give you the confidence to succeed by highlighting important qualities and skills needed to illustrate your qualifications. The best way to prepare for an interview is to learn the keys for successful interviewing and practice your responses to a series of typical interview questions. By trying out your answers in a non-threatening environment, you can feel safe and build your confidence while working with Paul (an experienced University and Career Counselor). Paul will conduct a mock interview with sample questions after which he will provide feedback, helpful insights, ideas of how to improve, increase fluency and express yourself more authentically. If desirable, Paul can also videotape the interview and provide visual feedback to help strengthen your non-verbal presentation skills.

Please contact Paul to schedule a consultation to serve your educational needs and advance your career. Paul can be contacted at RevivingNations(at)